"God's Loving Light Shines Through Us and Our Actions"
Week of 6/8/20 - 6/11/20
You did it! Thank you for your wonderful videos and hard work! Thank you, parents, for your hard work and support to meet the challenge of online learning.
Please watch the end of year message to my SJV Music classes.
I also attached a link to the song that was voted a 5-8 class favorite on EdPuzzle!
(It's my favorite version by my favorite acapella group, Straight No Chaser.)
Happy Summer to you and your families, see you in September.
Stay safe and God Bless!
Week of 6/1/20 - 6/5/20
Hello Kindergarten! Let's have some Springtime fun!
Watch "The Butterfly Song" on Flipgrid, then press the big green button and send me a video of you singing and dancing along to "The Butterfly Song"! Can you remember the animal moves that we danced when we did it in class?
Here are the links to "The Butterfly Song" on FlipGrid. Have fun!
KA: https://flipgrid.com/4b0b4afa PW: Password1
KB: https://flipgrid.com/5c34db94 PW: Password1
1st Grade
The Music Show #5 - Presto/Largo
Watch "The Music Show-episode #5" on FlipGrid, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to the questions:
I love seeing your answers, 1A!
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/ebe056ce Password: Cupcake2 Have fun!
2nd Grade
More music dynamics fun from our animal orchestra at K8 Music! Watch the video on Presto/Largo, then answer the questions and record your answers. Have fun!
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/54497751 Password: Bookbag2
Week of 5/26/20 - 5/29/20
The Music Show #4 - High, Low and Middle
Watch "The Music Show-episode #4" on FlipGrid, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
(Think of the ladder they talked about in the video)
1. Where is a high note located?
2. Where are low notes located?
3. What about the middle notes?
Here are the links to this week's lesson on FlipGrid. Have fun!
KA: https://flipgrid.com/131090c6 PW: Password1
KB: https://flipgrid.com/8a8e11c0 PW: Password1
1st Grade
The Music Show #4 - High, Low and Middle
Watch "The Music Show-episode #4" on FlipGrid, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
(Think of the ladder they talked about in the video)
1. Where is a high note located?
2. Where are low notes located?
3. What about the middle notes?
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/091cb3d4 Password: Cupcake2 Have fun!
2nd Grade
Watch the fun animal orchestra video on Forte/Piano, then answer the questions and record your answers. Enjoy the video! The flute playing penguins are my favorite, what's yours?
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/7cbad9c6 Password: Bookbag2 Have fun!
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Week of 5/18/20 - 5/22/20
The Music Show #3 - Rhythm
Watch "The Music Show-episode #3" on the FlipGrid link, then press the green plus button to record your answers to the following 3 questions. Have fun!
1.) What is a Rest?
2.) Name the 4 types of rest and how many beats each one gets.
3.) Using different note and rest lengths, create a Rhythm, and clap out the pattern for us to try!
Here are the links to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
KA: https://flipgrid.com/ca8e9752 PW: Password1
KB: https://flipgrid.com/1c997764 PW: Password1
1st Grade
The Music Show #3 - Rhythm
Watch "The Music Show-episode #3" on the FlipGrid link, then press the green plus button to record your answers to the following 3 questions. Have fun!
1.) What is a Rest?
2.) Name the 4 types of rest and how many beats each one gets.
3.) Using different note and rest lengths, create a Rhythm, and clap out the pattern for us to try!
Here is the link to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
https://flipgrid.com/9f71ce1a Password: Cupcake2
2nd Grade
The Music Show #6 - Lines and Spaces
Watch the last episode of "The Music Show - Episode #6" on FlipGrid, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to the questions.
Great work, 2A! You are the Kings and Queens of FlipGrid! :)
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/be01c168 Password: Bookbag2 Have fun!
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Week of 5/11/20 - 5/15/20
Watch The Music Show-episode #2 on the FlipGrid link, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
1.) What is Rhythm?
2.) Can you name the 4 types of notes?
3.) Think of a Rhythm and clap it out for us to try!.
Let me see your smiling faces! Have fun!
Here are the links to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
KA: https://flipgrid.com/c0177b7a PW: Password1
KB: https://flipgrid.com/1d8903fc PW: Password1
1st Grade
Watch The Music Show-episode #2 on the FlipGrid link, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
1.) What is Rhythm?
2.) Can you name the 4 types of notes and tell us how counts each one is worth?
3.) Think of a rhythm and clap it out for us to try!.
Let me see your smiling faces! Have fun!
Here is the link to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
https://flipgrid.com/8e6ac129 Password: Cupcake2
2nd Grade
The Music Show #5 - Presto/Largo
Watch "The Music Show-episode #5" on FlipGrid, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to the questions:
I love seeing your answers, 2A!
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/fcfb02e4 Password: Bookbag2 Have fun!
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Week of 5/4/20 - 5/8/20
Watch The Music Show-episode #1 on FlipGrid link, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
1.) What is the Beat?
2.) What does the beat do for the music?
3.) Think of a beat and clap it out for us to try!.
Have fun! I love seeing your smiling faces!
Here are the links to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
KA: https://flipgrid.com/1a94edc7 PW: Password1
KB: https://flipgrid.com/a1bfbb91 PW: Password1
First Grade
Watch The Music Show-episode #1 on the FlipGrid link, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
1.) What is the Beat?
2.) What does the beat do for the music?
3.) Think of a beat and clap it out for us to try!.
Have fun! I love seeing your smiling faces!
Here is the link to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
https://flipgrid.com/c55a93d3 Password: Cupcake2
Second Grade
The Music Show #4 - High, Low and Middle
Watch "The Music Show-episode #4" on FlipGrid, then press the Big Green Plus Button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
(Think of the ladder they talked about in the video)
1. Where is a high note located?
2. Where are low notes located?
3. What about the middle notes?
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/a22b2bfc Password: Bookbag2 Have fun!
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Week of 4/27 - 5/1/20
It's been raining a lot lately, so here is a fun video on Flipgrid of "Thunder and Raindrops", which we have done in class with our rhythm sticks. Maybe if we make some noise, the sun will come out to stay! Not everyone may have rhythm sticks at home, but you can use anything to tap along with: chopsticks, empty water bottles, get creative, and tap along. Watch the YouTube video, and then press the Big Green Button to record your video! I love seeing your smiling faces!
KA: https://flipgrid.com/0a188e4e PW: Password1
KB: https://flipgrid.com/0a4f8982 PW: Password1
First Grade
Here is the link to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
It's been raining a lot lately, so here is a fun video on Flipgrid of "Thunder and Raindrops", which we have done in class with our rhythm sticks. Maybe if we make some noise, the sun will come out to stay! Not everyone may have rhythm sticks at home, but you can use anything to tap along with: chopsticks, empty water bottles, get creative, and tap along. Watch the YouTube video, andhttps://flipgrid.com/e5e8746b Password: Cupcake2
Second Grade
The Music Show #3 - Rhythm
Watch "The Music Show-episode #3" on the FlipGrid link, then press the green plus button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
1.) What is a Rest?
2.) Name the 4 types of rest and how many beats each one gets.
3.) Using different note and rest lengths, create a Rhythm and clap out the pattern for us to try!
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/e9ec4a80 Password: Bookbag2 Have fun!
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Virtual week #5 4/20 - 4/24/20
Here is one of my favorite videos to go with our Spring Cherry Blossom Song from before break!
Please click on the title and enjoy " Peep and the Big Wide World: Flower Shower".
First Grade
1st grade will continue working on the Instrument Families of the Orchestra.
This week we will learn about The Brass Family.
Here is the link to this week's lesson of FlipGrid: https://flipgrid.com/1c4ac36d Password: Cupcake2
2nd Grade -
he Music Show #2 - Rhythm
Watch "The Music Show-episode #2" on the FlipGrid link, then press the green plus button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
1.) What is Rhythm?
2.) Name the 4 types of notes and how many beats each one gets.
3.) Using different note lengths, create a Rhythm and clap out the pattern for us to try!
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/beca8e12 Password: Bookbag2 Have fun!
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Virtual Week #4 4/6 - 4/8/20
Happy Easter KA and KB! No new assignment this week, make sure to sing some of our favorite songs! Please take some time to catch up on any assignments you may have missed during the first three weeks of Virtual Learning.
1st Grade
Happy Easter 1A! No new assignment this week, but you can always listen to your favorite music and sing! Please take some time to catch up on any assignments on Flipgrid and BrainPop Jr. that you may have missed during the first three weeks of Virtual Learning.
2nd Grade
Happy Easter 2A! No new assignment this week, but you can always listen to your favorite music and sing! Please take some time to catch up on any assignments you may have missed on Flipgrid during the first three weeks of Virtual Learning.
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Virtual Week #3 3/30 - 4/3/20
Hello Kindergarten! I hope everyone enjoyed singing last week. I loved your videos!
To celebrate The National Cherry Blossoms I posted a little song I love to teach every Spring.
We will be using FlipGrid so you can send me a video of you singing "The Cherry Blossom Song!
Ask a parent to help you create your video by pushing the big green plus button to record your answer. Have fun! Here are the FlipGrid links:
KA: https://flipgrid.com/f731bb82 Password: Password1
1st grade:
Instrument Families of the Orchestra
Click here to watch the Brainpop, Jr movie about The Woodwind Family.
Log in with Username: sjvtech and Password: Password1.
After watching the movie, take the Easy Quiz and ask a grownup to take a screenshot or picture of your results and email it to Mrs. Murray at mmurray@sjvs.net If you're up for a challenge take the Hard Quiz and email that to me also!
2nd grade:
The Music Show #1 - Beat
I loved everyone's FlipGrid videos last week, they were so much fun!
Watch The Music Show-episode #1 on the FlipGrid link, then press the green plus button to record your answers to these 3 questions:
1.) What is the Beat?
2.) What does the beat do for the music?
3.) Think of a beat and clap it out for us to try!
Here's the link: https://flipgrid.com/f384113b Password: Bookbag2 Have fun!
3rd Grade:
Syncopated Rhythm
Let's take what we know about Note Value and give it a twist!
Read the lesson on Flipgrid, watch the video and then try singing, clapping or both to
"Shake the Papaya Down!". Press the green plus button to record and share your video.
3rd Grade can now log into FlipGrid using their sjvs.net email. No password needed.
Here are the links:
3A: https://flipgrid.com/a4a0bcf5
3B: https://flipgrid.com/b06891e3
Grade 3 Music is now set up in Goggle Classroom. Please check GC for this week's music assignment. I will also post in the 3A and 3B Google Hangouts when the assignment is posted.
Grades 3-8: Please refer to Google Classroom
Virtual Week #2 - 3/23 - 3/27/20
Hello Kindergarten! I hope everyone enjoyed singing last week. I loved your videos!
This week, we will be using FlipGrid. Here are the links:
KA: https://flipgrid.com/e1f561f2 Password: Password1
KB: https://flipgrid.com/4b91ec60 Password: Password1
Ask a parent to help you create your video by pushing the big green plus button. I've also attached a link to a Spring Music coloring page for you!
1st grade
1st grade has been working on the Instrument Families of the Orchestra.
This week we will learn about The Woodwind Family.
Here is the link to this week's lesson of FlipGrid:
https://flipgrid.com/0396d811 Password: Cupcake2
2nd grade:
This week, we will be using FlipGrid. I can't wait to see your videos!
Here is the link: https://flipgrid.com/68f9ec2b Password: Bookbag2
3rd Grade:
Grade 3 Music is now set up in Goggle Classroom. Please check GC to enter your code to be added to your class! For this week, the music assignment will be posted in both places, my web page, and GC. I have also invited 3A and 3B to Goggle Hangouts so you can easily message me if you have any questions. Here's this week's lesson!
Note Value Fun!
"Bim Bum" is a fun singing and clapping music game that has been around for a while! It uses most of the note values that we have been working within class. It starts out slowly and then gets faster. If you need to, rewind the video and go back over the slow parts. Don't worry, it took Mrs. Murray awhile to get up to speed since I hadn't sung it in a while! Take your time and have fun with it. Post a video of yourself singing and clapping to "Bim Bum" by pressing the green plus button. It's ok to post just the beginning or just the slow part if that's what you are most comfortable with. I can't wait to see your videos!
Here are the links to this week's lesson on FlipGrid:
3A: https://flipgrid.com/271f616b Password: Laptop2!
3B: https://flipgrid.com/26e55c60 Password: Laptop2!
Starting next week, 3rd grade will use their sjvs.net email to log in to FlipGrid.
Virtual Week #1 - 3/13-3/20/20
Spend 15 minutes this week watching and practicing "Sing" from Sesame Street.
Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhbsb_tkGL0
Ask a parent to video you singing and email it to Mrs. Murray at mmurray@sjvs.net
Or you can email me a video of you singing one of your favorite songs that you sing in class.
1st grade
1st grade has been working on the Instrument Families of the Orchestra.
Watch the video about The Percussion Family.
Percussion Scavenger Hunt:
Find 3 everyday things in your home that can be used as percussion instruments. Shake, tap or hit them gently to create a rhythm pattern of your own. Ask a parent to take a video of you playing your "percussion" and email it to Mrs. Murray at mmurray@sjvs.net
2nd grade:
Watch this short movie on Musical Notation: The Quarter Note, The Half Note, and The Whole Note
Watch as Mozart talks about the values of each note and its matching rest. Click here to see one of our favorite songs at SJV and see how many notes and rests you can find and name! This Land Is Your Land Sheet Music
3rd Grade:
Time Signature and Note Value Watch the Brainpop Jr, movie about Time Signature and Note Value
You can Log In to Brainpop Jr. with this info:
Username: sjvtech Password: Password1
After you watch the video, click on the Easy Quiz and see how you do. Are you up for the challenge of the Hard Quiz? After you take the quiz, click on Word Play and read the 5 terms. On a piece of paper or in a notebook, practice drawing each of the notes and try to create a few measures using whole, half, quarter and eighth notes. Be creative and don't forget to practice your Treble Clefs!
Grades 4-8: Please refer to Google Classroom