"God's Loving Light Shines Through Us and Our Actions"
SJV Students have the opportunity to be actively involved before, during, and after school. Students of all ages and grades participate in various activities, clubs, academic fairs and contests, community service programs, faith-filled projects, intramural and organized athletic programs and so much more.
After School Activities and Clubs allow the students here to be together, have fun, create new relationships, and learn and develop in so many ways.
A variety of organized sports are available at SJV. Our coaches are dedicated volunteers, who work hard to encourage these young student athletes. We believe that creating a great team starts with a commitment, a positive attitude and guidance, which will foster teamwork, competitiveness and sportsman like conduct!
Students in Grades 5 through 8 are acknowledged for attaining academic excellence each marking period. There are three levels of achievement: Principal's List, Honor Roll, and High Honors.
Middle School Students act as role models for the younger students; they take pride in their roles as mentors, tutors, and young advisors continuously. Having great friends and lasting relationships starts in Pre-K and is maintained until 8th grade.