"God's Loving Light Shines Through Us and Our Actions"
It is fun and exciting being a third grader at St. John Vianney School. During our year together the children learn and grow in many ways.
We continue our Language Arts studies by improving upon our reading and comprehension skills, our writing of imaginative stories and development of paragraph structure. Our Grammar and sentence structure, not only improves, but becomes more interesting and creative. Spelling, Grammar, Reading, Phonics, and Writing are all components of the Wonders Reading Program.
The children come into third grade excited to learn their multiplication and division facts, as well as continuing their practice with the basic skills associated with addition, subtraction, and problem solving. Through the Sadlier Math Program third grade meets all state and diocesen standards.
Studies Weekly Lessons give the children an opportunity to grow in the knowledge of the American Democracy and Life Science. The weekly newspapers are not only full of factual information but offer many experiments and activities to further understanding.
Children continue to develop their cursive writing ability and cannot wait to start writing in script as the year progresses.
Taking pride in being a Catholic School, Sadlier Religion allows the children, as disciples, to recognize God’s unconditional love as they learn about God’s truth, love, and mercy in others. Daily prayer and reflection are part of the everyday.
As you can see, our day is filled with learning, growing, and fun. SJV is the place to be!