Welcome to First Grade! I am so excited to be your first grade teacher this year. We are going to have an amazing year! We will learn new things, and have a BLAST doing it! Our class is a family and kindness and communication is key in our room.
Communication between parents and teacher is extremely important. Please email me with any questions or concerns and I will get back to you as soon as possible. You can contact me through my school email:
Everyday we will learn about God and his love for us and how we can become disciples of Jesus by making good decisons. Our ELA program is Wonders, we will develop on our reading and comprehension skills. We will also focus on phonemic awareness, spelling and sound patterns, grammar and writing skills. Our Math program is Sadlier Math, we will focus on addition and subtraction to 10 and beyond. We will also discuss place value, geometry, measurement, graphs, time and money. Our Science and Social Studies program is by Scholastic News Magazine. We will open a world of wonder and discovery for our kiddos. Students will read and learn nonfiction articles that are related to science, social studies, social development and seasonal topics for our students. Our curriculum is accessible online, the classroom is equiped with a SmartBoard and each student has access to their own Chromebook.