"God's Loving Light Shines Through Us and Our Actions"
Teacher: Mrs. Carol Bartilotti
Please be sure to check Google Classroom every day for assignments, homework, and announcements.
VIRTUAL LEARNERS- Check in each morning on 7B Homeroom Google Classroom for attendance. Be sure to submit your assignments on Google Classroom. This is the one way I can tell if you have completed the assignments. Be sure to join the Zoom class for each teacher, following your daily schedule. I will be leaving any items to go home on Thursdays at the table in the reception area unless other arrangements have been made. If there are any questions or problems, please email me.
7th Grade Science Curriculum- Emphasis is on Life Science. Topics studied include genetics, heredity, human body systems
8th Grade Science Curriculum- Emphasis is on Physical Science, Chemistry, and Physics
Dates To Remember:
Tues. 6/15 11:30 Dismissal
Wed. 6/16- Last Day of School, 10:30 Dismissal
PLEASE NOTE: If you are traveling, be sure to adhere to the CDC travel and quarantine guidelines.
What you need to know
Travel increases your chance of spreading and getting COVID-19. Delay travel and stay home to protect yourself and others from COVID-19, even if you are vaccinated.
If you must travel, take steps to protect yourself and others: